And yet another project 

Okay, the camper top is put on the back burner or rather the front yard.  I surveyed all that had to be done and looked at my current roll top cover and it sure looks good. 
Don’t mind all the stuff in the truck bed.  Anyway, I’m just not sure if I want to fix the camper top or not.  Soooooo…
I started a new project.  One day I was surfing the net and saw this cute step in collar,
I purchased the instructions and looked for hardware and made my first one,
Cute huh?  I gave it to my sister, who has 3 doggies, all living with mom.  She didn’t give me a photo of it on the dog yet.
I loved them so much, and it was so easy to make, and it used so little material, I started making more to give for Christmas.
I even found a model:
Isn’t he cute?  Well as you can see, my craft table and room is filled! 
Back to surfing the net for more projects!